Basic Array and Pointers in C

Review of array and pointers.

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Update (2020.12.05): Fix typo in description, (&a and &a[0] have different types, so &a is not an alias of &a[0]) (More on Pointers and Array)


We’ll start by reviewing some basics about structures.

If we want to make a 2D game with different objects, we may need to have its position coordinates and size stored in arrays. Something like:

float enemy_x[MAX];
float enemy_y[MAX];
float enemy_w[MAX];
float enemy_h[MAX];
float player_x;
float player_y;
float player_w;
float player_h;

However, it gets confusing once the variable count increases. So Structures come into rescue:

struct object {
    float x, y, w, h;

struct object enemy[MAX];
struct object player;

and then, we can access the coordinates easily like:

player.x = 0;

The struct object declaration is quite long and kind of redundant, so we can use typedef:

struct object {
    float x, y, w, h;
typedef struct object Object;
Object enemy[MAX];
Object player;

We can even combine the declaration of struct with typedef.

typedef struct object {
    float x, y, w, h;
} Object;
Object enemy[MAX];
Object player;

and even omit the object type:

typedef struct {
    float x, y, w, h;
} Object;
Object enemy[MAX];
Object player;

By using Structures, we can define a special type for variable declaration afterward. More advanced usages such as bit-fields, union, and enumeration can provide more flexible controls on Structures.


For using static arrays, we can only declare it with constant length.

  1. Static array initialization

    What is the result of:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define MAX 3
    int a[MAX];
    int b[MAX] = {};
    int c[MAX] = {0};
    int d[MAX] = {1};
    int e[MAX] = {1, 1, 1};
    int main(void) {
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
            printf("%d ", a[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
            printf("%d ", b[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
            printf("%d ", c[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
            printf("%d ", d[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
            printf("%d ", e[i]);
        return 0;
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    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

    All entries are initialized into zero when the bracket = {} initialization is used. Using = {1} is kind of like initialize all entries into zero but the first entry should be 1. So something like = {0} is actually a redundant version of = {}.

  2. Multi-dimensional Static Array

    What is the result of:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define N 3
    #define M 2
    int a[N][M] = {{1}, {2, 3}};
    int main(void) {
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) {
                printf("a[%d][%d] is %d\n", i, j, a[i][j]);
        return 0;
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    a[0][0] is 1
    a[0][1] is 0
    a[1][0] is 2
    a[1][1] is 3
    a[2][0] is 0
    a[2][1] is 0

    This declaration can be seen as declaring a size-3 array, and each array cell is a size-2 array.

    int (a[3])[2];
  3. Variable-Length Arrays (VLA)

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void) {
        int N;
        scanf("%d", &N);
        int a[N];
        return 0;

    You may see some code that declares an array as above, where N is not a constant value. They are called Variable-Length Arrays and are only supported after C99. There are some drawbacks to using VLAs, to avoid confusion, you can use the dynamic array as shown in the next section.


Misusing pointers can pose serious security threats to programs. You’ll often see Buffer Overflow security fixes in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or any other applications. These security issues are mostly caused by pointers. Thus, in many high-level languages, the direct manipulation of pointers is forbidden.

If pointers are so dangerous, then why use pointers in the first place? This is because some cases require using pointers:

  • Function returning more than one value
  • Send arguments more efficiently
  • Access dynamic allocated memory
  • Implement data structures like linked lists, trees, etc.
  • Call functions through a variable
  • etc.
  1. Function returning more than one value

    Before starting let’s take a look at the snippet below:

    int a, b;
    a = 1;
    b = a;

    For the second line, a is on the left-hand side of the assignment operator. The value 1 is written to a’s memory address.

    For the third line, a is on the right-hand side of the assignment operator. The value of a is read from its memory address and written to b’s memory address (I’ll ignore registers and caches here for the sake of simplicity).

    If we want to change a’s value through a function call, we can only assign it by follows:

    int a;
    a = func_a();

    If we want to change multiple variables’ value, we may want to type the following:

    a, b = func()

    which works in Python, but not in C. So, we need to find a way to send the variables’ address into the function, and let the code inside the function change its value. However, something like:

    int a, b;
    func(a, b);

    doesn’t work since the value is read from the memory addresses before sending into the function, if we change the variables inside the function, it only changes the value of the local variables inside that function. So, we send their memory addresses instead:

    int a, b;
    func(&a, &b);

    which is how scanf works, and the return value can now be used to indicate whether the function runs successfully.

    In the case above, we wanted to change multiple variables’ value. What if the value we want to change is a memory address?

    int* a;
    a = malloc(sizeof(int));

    If we don’t want to use the return value of the function, then it’ll become something like:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    void my_malloc(int** a, size_t size) {
        *a = malloc(size);
    int main(void) {
        int* a;
        my_malloc(&a, sizeof(int));
        return 0;

    Sending the pointer a doesn’t work here since we can only change the value stored in the memory address stored in a (i.e., *a). If we want to change the memory address stored in a (a), we need to send a’s memory address into the function.

    This double-pointer allocation is commonly used in CUDA programming and also used a lot when interacting with Windows native APIs.

  2. Send arguments more efficiently

    What’s the output of:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define MAX 100
    typedef struct {
        int content[MAX];
    } LargeArray;
    void func(LargeArray la) {
        printf("sizeof la is %zu\n", sizeof la);
    void funcp(LargeArray* pla) {
        printf("sizeof pla is %zu\n", sizeof pla);
        printf("sizeof la is %zu\n", sizeof *pla);
    int main(void) {
        LargeArray la;
        return 0;
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    sizeof la is 400
    sizeof pla is 8
    sizeof la is 400

    You can see that the variable la is quite large and requires an additional copy step to send it into func. But we can send the structure’s pointer instead, so we only need to copy la’s address, which is much smaller.

  3. Access dynamic allocated memory

    We can allocate dynamic resources for later usages. For example a 1d dynamic array:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define MAX 100
    int main(void) {
        int* a;
        a = malloc(sizeof(int) * MAX);
        return 0;

    Freeing (free) any allocated (malloc) resources is a good coding practice. Forgetting to free allocated resources results in memory leaks, which is a major issue for products and applications.

    When developing applications/games, we may want to allocate some resources when doing a certain operation, where this operation is repetitively called. If we forget to free these resources, the program will keep asking for more memory spaces from the OS, and eventually use up all memory and crashes. (Sometimes the OS kills the program, but sometimes the OS crashes due to Out Of Memory issue (OOM)) A dangerous code is shown below, which may crash your OS:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define MAX 1000000
    void game_update() {
        int* a;
        a = malloc(sizeof(int) * MAX);
        // Do something...
        // and forget to free this resource.
        // free(a);
    int main(void) {
        while (1) {
        return 0;
  4. Implement data structures like linked lists, trees, etc.

    Linked List:

    typedef struct _node {
        int value;
        struct _node* next;
    } Node;

    Binary Tree:

    typedef struct _node {
        int value;
        struct _node *left, *right;
    } Node;
  5. Call functions through a variable

    What is the result of:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define MAX 1000000
    void add(int a, int b) {
        printf("add : %d\n", a+b);
    void mult(int a, int b) {
        printf("mult: %d\n", a*b);
    int main(void) {
        void (*fptr) (int, int);
        fptr = &add;
        fptr(2, 3);
        fptr = &mult;
        fptr(2, 3);
        return 0;
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    add : 5
    mult: 6

    This increases a lot of flexibility! The native function qsort in stdlib.h uses a function pointer to let the programmer define its own comparison function for sorting arrays of different types/structures.

More on Pointers and Array

Arrays are not equal to Pointers, they are similar but not the same. In most of the time, they can be used in the same way.

This part is the most interesting, we’ll start by reviewing basic operators.

Operator review:

  • &var returns var’s memory address.
  • *ptr = c assign c to the address where ptr is pointing.
  • r = *ptr takes out the value where ptr is pointing and store it in r.
  • ptr++ Move the pointer forward for sizeof(*ptr)-byte, that is, to move n-bytes, where n is the size of the type that ptr is pointing to.

    e.g. int* ptr, if ptr == 0x00, ptr+1 == 0x04, assuming sizeof(int) is 4.

  • The arithmetic of a is the same with &a[0]. (However, they have different types, the former is an array, the latter is a pointer)

    e.g. int a[100], if a == 0x00, &a[0] == 0x00, a+1 == 0x04, &a[0]+1 == 0x04 , assuming sizeof(int) is 4.

  • a[i] is an alias of *(a+i).

    So, i[a] is valid! (which is equal to a[i])

  • a[i][j] is an alias of *(*(a+i)+j).
  • struct_ptr->var is an alias of (*struct_ptr).var.
  1. Size of Pointers and Arrays.

    What is the output of:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define N 2
    #define M 3
    int main(void) {
        // Declaration
        int i, j, *tmp;
        int a[N*M];
        int b[N][M];
        int c[M][N];
        int *pa = malloc(sizeof(int) * M * N);
        int **pb = malloc(sizeof(int*) * N);
        int **pc = malloc(sizeof(int*) * M);
        // Allocate second level resources all at once to reduce allocation overhead.
        tmp = malloc(sizeof(int) * M * N);
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
            pb[i] = tmp + i * M;
        tmp = malloc(sizeof(int) * M * N);
        for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
            pc[i] = tmp + i * N;
        // Print
        printf("sizeof(int)       : %2zu\n", sizeof(int));
        printf("sizeof(int[M])    : %2zu\n", sizeof(int[M]));
        printf("sizeof(int[N])    : %2zu\n", sizeof(int[N]));
        printf("sizeof(int[N][M]) : %2zu\n", sizeof(int[N][M]));
        printf("sizeof(int[M][N]) : %2zu\n", sizeof(int[M][N]));
        printf("sizeof(void*)     : %2zu\n", sizeof(void*));
        printf("sizeof(int*)      : %2zu\n", sizeof(int*));
        printf("sizeof(int**)     : %2zu\n", sizeof(int**));
        printf("sizeof   a        : %2zu\n", sizeof a);
        printf("sizeof  *a        : %2zu\n", sizeof *a);
        printf("sizeof   b        : %2zu\n", sizeof b);
        printf("sizeof  *b        : %2zu\n", sizeof *b);
        printf("sizeof **b        : %2zu\n", sizeof **b);
        printf("sizeof   c        : %2zu\n", sizeof c);
        printf("sizeof  *c        : %2zu\n", sizeof *c);
        printf("sizeof **c        : %2zu\n", sizeof **c);
        printf("sizeof   pa       : %2zu\n", sizeof pa);
        printf("sizeof  *pa       : %2zu\n", sizeof *pa);
        printf("sizeof   pb       : %2zu\n", sizeof pb);
        printf("sizeof  *pb       : %2zu\n", sizeof *pb);
        printf("sizeof **pb       : %2zu\n", sizeof **pb);
        printf("sizeof   pc       : %2zu\n", sizeof pc);
        printf("sizeof  *pc       : %2zu\n", sizeof *pc);
        printf("sizeof **pc       : %2zu\n", sizeof **pc);
        // Free
        return 0;
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    sizeof(int)       :  4
    sizeof(int[M])    : 12
    sizeof(int[N])    :  8
    sizeof(int[N][M]) : 24
    sizeof(int[M][N]) : 24
    sizeof(void*)     :  8
    sizeof(int*)      :  8
    sizeof(int**)     :  8
    sizeof   a        : 24
    sizeof  *a        :  4
    sizeof   b        : 24
    sizeof  *b        : 12
    sizeof **b        :  4
    sizeof   c        : 24
    sizeof  *c        :  8
    sizeof **c        :  4
    sizeof   pa       :  8
    sizeof  *pa       :  4
    sizeof   pb       :  8
    sizeof  *pb       :  8
    sizeof **pb       :  4
    sizeof   pc       :  8
    sizeof  *pc       :  8
    sizeof **pc       :  4

    First, remember, pointers are just variables that store memory addresses, so void*, int*, int**, or even int***** should be 8-bytes, assuming using a 64-bit computer. Let’s explain each results:

    Target Type Size
    sizeof a : 24 int[6] sizeof(int[6])
    sizeof *a : 4 int sizeof(int)
    sizeof b : 24 int[2][3] sizeof(int[2][3])
    sizeof *b : 12 int[3] sizeof(int[3])
    sizeof **b : 4 int sizeof(int)
    sizeof c : 24 int[3][2] sizeof(int[3][2])
    sizeof *c : 8 int[2] sizeof(int[2])
    sizeof **c : 4 int sizeof(int)
    sizeof pa : 8 int* sizeof(int*)
    sizeof *pa : 4 int sizeof(int)
    sizeof pb : 8 int** sizeof(int**)
    sizeof *pb : 8 int* sizeof(int*)
    sizeof **pb : 4 int sizeof(int)
    sizeof pc : 8 int** sizeof(int**)
    sizeof *pc : 8 int* sizeof(int*)
    sizeof **pc : 4 int sizeof(int)
  2. Array as Arguments

    What is the output of:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    void func1(int a[]) {
        printf("%zu\n", sizeof a);
    void func2(int *a) {
        printf("%zu\n", sizeof a);
    int main(void) {
        int a[100];
        printf("%zu\n", sizeof a);
        return 0;
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    Note that sizeof a is determined by the compiler when compiling to assembly.

    The int a[] is just syntactic sugar for int* a, they are both pointers (array decayed into pointer).

  3. Global array vs. Local array

    What is the difference between

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define MAX 100000000
    int main(void)
        int a[MAX];
        a[MAX-1] = 10;
        printf("%d\n", a[MAX-1]);
        return 0;


    #include <stdio.h>
    #define MAX 100000000
    int a[MAX];
    int main(void)
        a[MAX-1] = 10;
        printf("%d\n", a[MAX-1]);
        return 0;
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    ✔️ Answer The first code segment (a defined in main) may result in Stack Overflow (which shows Segmentation Fault), while the second one (a in global) will not cause Stack Overflow.

    More details on this can be learned in the Computer Architecture course.

  4. Pointer Compatibility

    int * pt;
    int (*pa)[3];
    int ar1[2][3];
    int ar2[3][2];
    int **p2;
    int *arp[3];

    Which of the operations below are valid?

    pt = &ar1[0][0];
    pt = ar1[0];
    pt = ar1;
    pa = ar1;
    pa = ar2;
    p2 = &pt;
    *p2 = ar2[0];
    p2 = ar2;
    pa = arp;
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    Target Valid? L-Type R-Type
    pt = &ar1[0][0]; $\color{green} ✔$ Valid pointer-to-int pointer-to-int
    pt = ar1[0]; $\color{green} ✔$ Valid pointer-to-int pointer-to-int
    pt = ar1; $\color{red} ✘$ Invalid pointer-to-int pointer-to-int[3]
    pa = ar1; $\color{green} ✔$ Valid pointer-to-int[3] pointer-to-int[3]
    pa = ar2; $\color{red} ✘$ Invalid pointer-to-int[3] pointer-to-int[2]
    p2 = &pt; $\color{green} ✔$ Valid pointer-to-int* pointer-to-int*
    *p2 = ar2[0]; $\color{green} ✔$ Valid pointer-to-int pointer-to-int
    p2 = ar2; $\color{red} ✘$ Invalid pointer-to-int* pointer-to-int[2]
    pa = arp; $\color{red} ✘$ Invalid pointer-to-int[3] pointer-to-int*

    The pointer can only be assigned if the type matches. Something like ar1[2][3] cannot be seen as int**, but should be seen as pointer-to-int[3].

    For the difference of pa and arp here is that pa is a pointer-to-int[3], while arp is an array of pointers that can be seen as pointer-to-int*.

  5. Pointer Arithmetic

    What is the output of:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        int a[3] = {0, 1, 2};
        int *p;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            p = a + i;
            printf("%td\n", (char*)p-(char*)a);
            printf("%td\n", (p-a));
        return 0;
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    Note the difference between types.

  6. Pointing one past the last element of the array

    What is the output of:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        int a[3] = {0, 1, 2};
        int *p;
        for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
            p = a + i;
            printf("%td\n", (char*)(p)-(char*)a);
            printf("%td\n", (p-a));
        return 0;
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    Pointing to one past the last element of the array is valid, as long as you do not dereference the pointer.

  7. Pointer Out-of-bounds

    What is the output of:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        int a[3] = {0, 1, 2};
        int *p;
        for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
            p = a + i;
            printf("%td\n", (char*)(p)-(char*)a);
            printf("%td\n", (p-a));
        return 0;
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    Undefined Behavior.

    Pointing out-of-bounds is undefined behavior, even without dereferencing the pointer, according to C’s standard.


  • const int* ptr is the same as int const* ptr, which protects the value pointed.
     *ptr = 0; // Not allowed
     ptr = &a; // Allowed
  • int * const ptr, which protects the pointer variable itself.
     *ptr = 0; // Allowed
     ptr = &a; // Not allowed
  • const int * const ptr is the same as int const * const ptr.
     *ptr = 0; // Not allowed
     ptr = &a; // Not allowed

Interpretation on Syntaxes

  • Arrays

    For int a[2][3], it can be interpreted from the inside to the outside. So a is an array with 2 cells. Each of the cells contains an int[3] element, that is, an array with 3 cells storing int.

  • Pointers

    You may interpret it in 2 ways:

    1. int* ptr, ptr is a variable, and its type is int*, that is, a variable storing memory address.
    2. int (*ptr), ptr is a pointer, and the pointed memory address represents an int.

    For int (*pa)[3], it can also be interpreted from the inside to the outside. So pa is a pointer, pointing to an int[3] element.

    For int *ap[3], it is an array of 3 cells. Each cell stores an int*, that is, a pointer-to-int. (Left-Right Rule)

There are much more tricky problems on pointers and arrays, but by thinking hard on the questions above and understanding the underlying reason for the results should be quite enough.

If you have trouble understanding a C pointer statement, try out this website:

Note that the result of sizeof operator in the questions above may have different outputs on different computers.

This should be the last assignment for this semester, I hope you have better understandings of the C language through finishing these six assignments.


If you feel frustrated when trying to understand these concepts, it should be a good sign. Since it means that you reinforced these important concepts that cannot be learned just by writing codes for Online Judges.

Photo Credit: Pointers on XKCD.

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